
How Long Does Accutane Last

If you're here right now, I'thousand willing to bet you've already spent a few dozen hours contemplating/deep-dive-Googling Accutane and everything virtually it: the potential side effects, the before-and-after photos, the real-life stories, and the showtime-person experiences. And I know this because not simply have I lived through acne—I'chiliad talkin' a constant rotation of blackheads, whiteheads, and cysts on my face at all times—but I've also taken isotretinoin, aka the generic drug name for Accutane (which, FYI, isn't on the market anymore, only everyone nevertheless refers to isotretinoin as Accutane anyway).

And because I've been downwardly the research hole myself, I also know only how important it is to have showtime-person stories about isotretinoin that are real­—ahem, not just the horror stories y'all see on sketch websites—and accurately draw all aspects of isotretinoin. Because despite what you've heard, dermatologists concur that Accutane isn't actually every bit scary every bit it's made out to exist (muuuch more on that below), and that the vast majority of patients who take isotretinoin are, afterward their class, totally fine.

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Simply, hey, I become it—y'all desire details. Which is why I chatted with nine women about their before-and-after experiences with isotretinoin, from a few who finished their doses just a year ago, to some who finished theirs a decade ago, along with practiced commentary from dermatologists. Proceed reading to find out everything you lot've, well, already been Googling for hours/days/years, starting with…

What is Accutane?

Isotretinoin, commonly referred to as Accutane (annotation: Accutane was a brand proper noun for isotretinoin and is no longer manufactured), is a vitamin-A derivative that, when taken orally, minimizes the oil production in your skin. "Accutane permanently shrinks your oil glands so they can't be stimulated as easily anymore," Mona Gohara, Doctor, dermatologist and associate clinical professor at Yale School of Medicine, has told Cosmo . Basically, isotretinoin slowly shuts downwardly the party in your pores, so acne has a hard time setting up store on your face.

How long does it take to see results on Accutane?

Usually, you'll commencement to see some results from Accutane after a few weeks, with bigger results effectually three months, and best results after six months. But—but!­—your results are well-nigh guaranteed to vary, because when it comes to isotretinoin, there's no universal dose or timeline; it all depends on your weight, your dosing, the severity of your acne, how well your body tolerates the medication, and your dermatologist's guidance.

That being said, many patients tend to take 40-60mg of Accutane a day for six months—though, once again, how many milligrams you take each day and for how long is based on your weight and health. For people with adult female person acne (AFA), i.east., women over the age of 25 with stubborn, persistent, hormonal acne, some dermatologists will prescribe a lower dose of Accutane over a longer flow (think: seven to nine months) to minimize the chance of relapse. Once more, it all super depends.

Does Accutane work forever?

Ideally, yes, Accutane is a permanent fix to major acne breakouts. But in reality, even the best-adhering patients can still get the occasional tiny zit (considering we're all human, and humans sometimes accidentally sleep in their makeup, or stress out likewise much, or partake in a chip likewise many cocktails), though they'll rarely experience acne as severely as before.

"I would say only five percent of my patients go on isotretinoin a 2d time, either because their acne came dorsum in total, or considering they're getting some breakouts that they don't want to bargain with again," says Dr. Gohara. "Another five percent go a little fleck of acne once more that clears up with retinoids or antibiotics, and the other 90 percent never see a pimple again."

Is Accutane bad for yous?

Most dermatologists hail Accutane every bit the closest matter to an acne cure that exists, just that's not to say Accutane isn't a serious drug with serious potential side effects—it is, and anybody tin can respond differently to the medication. But does isotretinoin deserve the scary reputation you see on the internet? Definitely non (except, of course, when we talk about its known risk of causing birth defects, which is why regular claret tests, pregnancy tests, and birth command is required while taking the drug).

But in terms of the other out-there side effects you hear nearly, I in one case polled a handful of dermatologists who, collectively, had written more ii,200 isotretinoin prescriptions in their careers. They said out of all their patients, fewer than fifteen of them had serious issues while taking Accutane—the effects of which were resolved with a lower dose or stopping handling altogether. Again, as with any medication, everyone'south body responds differently, which is why your doctor will exist your BFF during your Accutane journey.

At present, ready to go into those before-and-after photos and commencement-person stories? Thought so. Let's get into it:

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✨ Nine months post-Accutane ✨

A few months before I decided to start isotretinoin, I adult a very rare, very severe type of acne called acne conglobata, which left my face covered in deep, itchy, leaky, and incredibly painful cysts. It affected every aspect of my life, and I honestly felt similar a victim to my own skin. I concluded upwards going on isotretinoin for a lilliputian over viii months, and for the majority of that time, I was on 30mg: a lower dose than the usual 40-60mg, merely the perfect dose for me.

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I had pretty much all the side effects that you hear about with Accutane: I was tired all the time, no thing how much slumber I got; my pare stale out to the point of getting little flakes everywhere; I couldn't do without getting a headache; if I stood upward too long my back would ache. The worst side event for me was the dry eyes, and I do call back it afflicted my mental health a flake—I just felt more anxious and didn't take whatever motivation. Only, that'due south also why my dose was lower: to go on my mental health and the side furnishings in check.

Thankfully, all of my side effects started to subside a month subsequently I finished Accutane, and I noticed my free energy levels ascent after virtually two weeks. I still have dry eyes nine months later, and I still break out before my menses. Simply by "break out," I hateful a few tiny spots on my face—zip like before. Still, all of the side effects were so worth it to me, because isotretinoin saved my skin—it genuinely inverse my life.

A dermatologist'southward take:

"Accutane, aka isotretinoin, shrinks the glands in your skin that produce oils," says dermatologist Mona Gohara, Md, acquaintance clinical professor at Yale School of Medicine. "When you shrink those glands, your organs—including your eyes—volition be drier, but this side effect unremarkably goes away later y'all finish your dose."

As for Mariah's lower energy levels? Another mutual, yet abrasive side issue. "Some reports suggest that fatigue is dose-dependent, meaning the college your dose of isotretinoin, the more likely you are to experience it," says Marisa Garshick, Dr., of Medical Dermatology & Cosmetic Surgery in New York Urban center. "In general, though, most people find this side event to exist temporary."

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9 months post-Accutane ✨

Before isotretinoin, my skin was so oily that even setting pulverization couldn't take away the shine, and my face was covered in inflamed breakouts. My dermatologist ended upward starting my Accutane dosage at 20mg the start month, then bumped me upward to 40mg for 3 months, then had me on 60mg for the terminal two months.

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Throughout my form, I dealt with pretty bad eczema on my arms and a dry scalp toward the terminate, and I besides dealt with continuous headaches (though they were persistent plenty that I stopped noticing them after a while, so it really wasn't the cease of the earth). The simply remaining side effect I have nine months later on stopping Accutane is the eczema. It'southward all the same on my arms, and I've also noticed information technology becoming apparent around my scalp, but information technology isn't nearly as bad as it was when I was on Accutane.

Every bit for my acne, I do get the occasional cyst or whitehead now, though nowhere near as severely as before. It actually took me a few years to finally go through with isotretinoin because of how scary it's made out to be, but for me, the whole thing was more often than not fine. I practise feel really proud of myself for going on it despite my fears, though, and if I needed to, I would probably do information technology all over once more.

A dermatologist's take:

"Dryness is far and away the near common side effect of isotretinoin" says Dr. Gohara. "Most patients tin can wait some degree of dry lips, dry out skin, dry eyes, and sun sensitivity while they're taking information technology." Though eczema certainly isn't the norm, it likewise isn't uncommon: "Eczema comes along because the drug is essentially sucking the oils out of your skin, which is expert for your acne, but non great in terms of skin moisture," she says. "I tell my clients to swap harsh soaps and washes for gentle, hydrating cleansers, then moisturize with heavier creams as opposed to lighter lotions."

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✨ xi months mail service-Accutane ✨

I got my first breakout when I was 12 years old, and for the next five years, I was in a constant battle with my peel. I tried everything nether the sun to treat information technology: antibiotics, topical creams, chemic peels, veganism, hormonal pills, spironolactone, cortisone shots, lasers—everything. I was eventually diagnosed with polycystic ovary syndrome, or PCOS, a hormonal disorder that can cause—among other things—persistent acne. I knew then that I had to take the leap and try isotretinoin.

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I was on it for eight months total: For the first 3 months, I took 40mg, then 60mg for the concluding five months. I had dry everything—face, lips, eyes, scalp, body—and my hair started shedding a bit, too. I'm prone to headaches, merely Accutane really exacerbated the symptoms, and my caput would often feel similar it was crushing in on itself. It was all an emotional roller coaster for me. I'thousand not sure if it was the medicine or my personal life or both, but I definitely recall I was more emotionally fragile while I was on information technology.

About ii months afterward I finished Accutane, I saw the severity of my migraines, dry optics, and dry scalp decrease. Subsequently 4 months, my emotional health evened out and I felt dorsum to my sometime self. Equally for my skin, I'1000 at present experiencing breakouts all along the lower half of my confront and around my hairline. Thankfully, they're much more than minor than before—just pocket-size whiteheads and blackheads—and truthfully, they could also just be a side effect of going off nativity control a few months ago.

Information technology sounds weird, but I really think I was meant to get astringent acne. My journeying taught me and then much near myself: to love myself and exist confident, no matter the condition of my skin. Aye, it was and then hard, only I wouldn't change a affair. And I would 100 percent consider going back on isotretinoin once more if I needed to.

A dermatologist's take:

If the idea of potentially losing your hair on Accutane freaks yous out, take deep breaths: "If any pilus loss occurs, information technology's generally temporary," says Dr. Garshick. " One written report showed that isotretinoin doesn't bear on hair loss if the dose is depression enough."

Dr. Gohara agrees, stating that "less than x percent" of her patients come across this side effect, and if they do, "it'due south usually considering the pilus is drier and more than fragile from the medication, and nine times out of x, it slowly grows back totally normal," she says. "One time the Accutane's out of your system, hair and nails are always laggy in terms of regenerating themselves."

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✨ One year mail service-Accutane ✨

I suffered with severe acne for iii years before deciding to try isotretinoin. My breakouts were super oily, sore, and red no matter what I put on them, and kids at school would call me Braille face. I didn't take Accutane just that one time, though—I ended up taking information technology iii times over the next few years.

The first two times, my acne slowly got worse over six months, so came dorsum equally bad as before. My dermatologist fifty-fifty switched up the dosing each time: My first form, I slowly reached 60mg a 24-hour interval; my second class, we took the approach of 10mg a day for a longer catamenia of time; and my third grade, I slowly reached 60mg again.

But after my 3rd round, my skin was still incredibly oily and broken out. I think sitting in my dermatologist'south office as he explained that Accutane hadn't worked how it should take. He apologized and said there was zippo else he could offer me. I cried the whole fashion home. Only and so, strangely, my peel began to clear up a few months afterward, well-nigh like a delayed result. At present, my skin is totally clear, and I don't have whatsoever agile acne.

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Fifty-fifty though Accutane eventually worked for me, it wasn't an easy journey. I honestly had almost every side effect in the volume: dryness, eczema, rashes, body soreness, fatigue, blurred vision, headaches, nosebleeds, tum problems, pilus loss, irritability, and brain fog. Even my vision was nonetheless a little blurry until this by summer. Simply recently, I went to an ophthalmologist who reassured me that my vision is officially back to 20/xx.

If you practise decide to go on isotretinoin, I have 2 words of advice: one) Take progress pictures! I hope you volition not discover how much your skin has changed without them, and they'll really help yous stay positive; and two) Mind to your body. It's so important to rest when you need it, and say no to going out if your trunk needs it. I tried to button myself over and over again, and I ended up worse off in the stop.

A dermatologist's accept:

"At that place are certainly people who accept longer to reply to Accutane," says Rachel Nazarian, MD, a dermatologist with Schweiger Dermatology in New York Urban center. "This may be due to their ain natural resistance, or due to their doctor's dosing regimen, just information technology'due south important to remember that fifty-fifty when you stop taking the pills, the medication continues to stay in your system for weeks. And then some people may really first to testify improvement around this 'tail end' of treatment."

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✨ 1.5 years post-Accutane ✨

Before Accutane, I used to accept astringent acne—mostly concentrated on my cheeks and forehead, but likewise along my neck, breast, and back. I took 50mg for the majority of my isotretinoin treatment, and luckily, my side effects didn't bear on my day-to-day life that much: My optics, lips, face, and entire trunk were dry; I had the odd headache here and at that place; and toward the finish of treatment, I got some joint and dorsum pain.

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For the first calendar month of treatment, my skin likewise went through the initial purging period, meaning my acne got significantly worse (like, it doubled in severity) earlier information technology started to calm downwards again. Those first few months were 100 percent the hardest to suffer, but I look back at it all with gratitude. Even though my acne did come back half-dozen months later on finishing Accutane, it's nowhere near as astringent—I'd say my skin is lx-70 percent better than it was earlier.

Overall, I'thou actually lucky to have had such a positive feel, with very minor and manageable side effects. When my acne was at its peak severity, my mental health truly suffered in all ways imaginable. Then if my skin ever came to impact me the fashion information technology did prior to isotretinoin, I would probably continue information technology once again.

A dermatologist'due south take:

"In terms of purging, I'd say a third of my patients run into their acne get worse in those beginning few months of taking Accutane, while a third see nothing happen at all, and the last third say, 'This is the best matter that's always happened,'" says Dr. Gohara. "For most people, after month three, their comeback takes off similar wildfire."

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✨ 2.v years mail-Accutane ✨

Before isotretinoin, I had astringent cystic acne on my face, chest, arms, and back. Every time my peel bumped against something, it felt like somebody had poked the most sensitive blister. My acne would then class keloid scars, which I still have all over my shoulders and back.

I decided to go on Accutane in the fall of 2017. I started with a depression dosage twice a day, so was upped to a stronger dose once a twenty-four hour period after a few months. The strongest side effect I had was dry pare: My scalp and nose were always dry and itchy, and my lips were constantly croaky. The second side upshot was a lower booze tolerance. I call back going out with friends early in my Accutane journey, drinking but a few drinks, and getting a terrible hangover and headache that lasted way longer than my usual hangovers. Thankfully, these were my just ii large side furnishings, and they went away on their ain within ii months later on treatment.

Because my body tolerated Accutane so well and the results were so excellent, I finished after vi months rather than the anticipated nine. I'thou and then happy I did it, and I wish I hadn't been so scared in the get-go identify. The best role is that my skin isn't constantly inflamed anymore—I can wearable makeup, bras, and whatever clothes I want without being in constant pain. And now, whenever I do get the occasional pimple, I'm not worried that I'thou about to face clusters of inflammation for months.

A dermatologist's take:

"In general, it's recommended that people avoid alcohol while on isotretinoin," says Dr. Garshick. Non but does Accutane already put a agglomeration of stress on your liver (which is the same organ responsible for processing all those White Claws you beverage), merely information technology besides dries your trunk out. Basically, you lot're setting yourself upwardly to have a major hangover the next day.

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✨ Four years postal service-Accutane ✨

I used to have patches of painful cysts and nodules underneath my peel that didn't respond to regular acne treatments. I grew up in a embankment town and would wear a full face of makeup to the beach, or beg not to go to school because I was having a particularly bad skin twenty-four hour period.

I ended up doing 2 rounds of isotretinoin about four years apart. The first time, it worked perfectly, and I didn't have a single pimple for three years. Over time, though, my acne came dorsum even worse and more painful than before, and so I ended up doing a second circular of handling. It's been about four years since I finished, and while I still get an occasional pimple, my acne hasn't come dorsum at all. I accept no residual furnishings from the medication, and all of my deep acne scars have gone abroad, too.

For me, the biggest side effects I dealt with were an extremely dry out nose and lips, and I had big patches of cracked and scaly skin. But all of it started to get away within a few weeks subsequently I finished the medication. I honestly wouldn't hesitate to go back on isotretinoin if my acne came back, though. The five or half dozen months of uncomfortable side furnishings didn't outweigh the great benefits for me.

A dermatologist'due south take:

As Dr. Gohara said, very few (5 percent, if she had to gauge) of her patients proceed Accutane a 2nd time, while the vast majority never see a major breakout again. Again, your results will vary, simply rest assured almost patients see life-changing improvements with a class of isotretinoin.

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✨ Five years post-Accutane ✨

Before isotretinoin, I had severe cystic nodular acne, mostly on the lower half of my face, that wouldn't respond to typical acne treatments. The bumps under my peel were so large and sore that I concluded up going on 60mg of Accutane in 2015. Throughout my six-month dose, everything was dry—my eyes, the insides of my olfactory organ (to the point of occasional nosebleeds)—and my joints were super stiff and achy, especially in the forenoon and at night. Even bending down and picking something up was harder on Accutane; I had to move slower because of how stiff I felt.

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Thankfully, all of my side effects concluded chop-chop, just a few weeks after I stopped taking the pill, simply my acne started to come dorsum vi months later. In the end, I decided not to go on another dose of Accutane, though, since my acne is so hormonally driven that I feel like it wouldn't take helped. I still have acne 5 years afterwards, but I've found more natural means to treat information technology over the years, and information technology's nowhere as severe equally it was earlier.

Fifty-fifty though it didn't piece of work for me, I'k all the same really grateful I took isotretinoin. Without it, I wouldn't have started my Instagram account @myfacestory and wouldn't have connected with all the people I've had the opportunity to meet online and in person. The fact that Accutane didn't work for me ended up being my gateway to peel positivity; it helped me accept and love my pare no matter what information technology looks like.

A dermatologist's accept:

Ask a dozen dermatologists for their thoughts on isotretinoin and hormonal acne, and you'll probably become a 50/l split in opinions. Some dermatologists believe isotretinoin isn't super effective for hormonal acne in women, merely Dr. Gohara (and many others) disagrees.

"We know that acne is acquired by a hormonal surge that triggers your oil glands to produce oil, allowing bacteria to settle in and create inflammation," says Dr. Gohara, "so it just doesn't make sense to me that this process wouldn't respond well to isotretinoin. I retrieve that in the cases where a patient'southward pare isn't responsive to Accutane, information technology's because that person's body but isn't responsive to Accutane—which can happen in some people."

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✨ 8 years post-Accutane ✨

The best way I could describe my skin prior to isotretinoin is...painful. There was a period of at least five years where I don't remember waking up without my face pain. I really got fired from a task at a beauty counter in college considering the manager thought I made a bad impression on customers because of how my pare looked.

Accutane concluded up working really quickly and actually successfully on my acne, merely I also had about every side upshot—the almost annoying of which was the dry pare. I needed to apply lotion to my face, hands, and body all the time, and I dealt with horrible joint pain, peculiarly in my hips. Because isotretinoin dries up a lot of your torso's natural moisture and lubrication, even my anus (yup) was dry, which meant taking a sh*t was one of the almost painful experiences of my life.

I besides experienced suicidal thoughts and ideations toward the end of my treatment, but I didn't want my derm to pull me off the meds—at that bespeak in my life, I thought my skin was more of import than my mental health, but I should take been upfront with my dermatologist (I absolutely don't recommend this unsafe behavior, FYI).

Inside vi months, my acne cleared up, and my dermatologist decided I no longer needed to take isotretinoin. All of my side furnishings disappeared inside a month, except for the depression. To exist fair, I've ever had low in some form, simply I had never had suicidal ideations until I was on isotretinoin. Still, as awful as some of my side effects were, I don't regret a second of information technology. I was then self witting about my peel that I used to hide in the bathroom and weep. I truly believe that Accutane was the only feasible treatment for my cystic acne.

A dermatologist's have:

According to Dr. Nazarian, less than one per centum of her patients feel mental health symptoms while on isotretinoin. Equally for Dr. Gohara, "scientifically, at that place's no correlation between isotretinoin and depression or anxiety, but anecdotally, I see it in 10 pct or less of patients," she says. "If somebody has a pre-existing mental health condition or is seeing a mental healthcare provider, I make sure that provider is on board with Accutane before I fifty-fifty showtime information technology, and that we are in actually shut contact so nosotros tin quickly lower the patient's dose or come off of the medication ASAP if need be."

If you or someone you know is because suicide, telephone call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 800-273-8255 or contact the Crisis Text Line by texting Habitation to 741-741.

Kate Foster is a freelance beauty writer in New York City.

Deputy Beauty Managing director Chloe Metzger is the deputy dazzler director at Cosmopolitan, obsessively writing well-nigh new makeup launches, the best hair products (curly daughter hither; whattup), and the skincare formulas that really work for every pare type (follow her on Instagram to run into behind-the-scenes pics of that mag life).

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